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Over 1,000x more effective
Airora vs Filters
Based on research by the UK Government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) and others, Airora’s technology is 1000+ times more effective, and far faster, than that of any in-room air filter.
That might seem surprising given that filters often claim reductions of 99.95% or even greater. However, such claims are for the removal of germs between the input and output of the device, not for the removal of germs throughout a room. Novoselac & Siegel 2009 suggest that circa 50%, rather than 99.95%, would be more accurate measured across a whole room!
Why the huge difference between SAGE’s conclusions and the claims of filter manufacturers?
The reason is simple; as the air in a room is constantly changing, and as by no means all of the air in the room at any one time will have passed through the filter, the efficiency of the filter itself has little bearing on the ability of a filter device to clean all of the air throughout a room.
As Airora cleanses the air insitu, and works by molecular diffusion, it has none of the constraints that filters suffer from.
Public Health England measured Airora achieving a 99.9999% reduction in hard to kill airborne MS-2 virus in five minutes!