US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 



The inherent shortcomings and limitations of traditional Portable Air Filters and Ionisers


Before Airora, traditional portable Air Filters and Ionisers were often purchased by the public with the expectation that they would improve indoor air quality and protect residents from allergens and infections.

Given their inherent shortcomings, the US EPA has produced detailed analyses and advice to help the public and professionals to procure wisely in the light of those shortcomings. Below we list the major shortcomings identified by the EPA in its most recent guidance.

Airora is neither a filter nor an ioniser. In contrast to filters and ionisers Airora’s breakthrough hydroxyl cascade technology has been thoroughly tested and documented by independent laboratories to demonstrate that it shares none of the filter and ioniser shortcomings listed below.


  • Allergens in dust were only sometimes affected by air cleaners.

Airora neutralises allergens insitu, both in the air and on surfaces.

  • Studies of air cleaners in homes that address gas-phase pollutants are extremely limited, and consistent reductions have not been demonstrated.

Airora has been independently demonstrated to reduce gas-phase pollutants.

  • To date, no studies were found that systematically investigated whether using PCO, plasma, or ionizer air cleaners in homes or other buildings has a positive effect on the health of occupants.

Airora has been independently demonstrated to reduce airborne germs by 99.9999% in minutes and surface borne germs thereafter.

  • Noise is an important issue with many portable air cleaners, particularly when operating at higher airflow rates, because users often turn them off to avoid the noise.

Airora is ‘whisper quiet’ ( < 30dB) and bedroom friendly.

  • Indoor allergens are large particles, because these larger particles settle out of the air and onto surfaces rather rapidly, air filters are not likely to remove them effectively from the home.

Airora does not need to remove allergens, it neutralises them wherever they occur, both in the air and on surfaces.

HEPA, UV and other filters

  • Changes in indoor pollutant concentrations, when measured, were statistically significant, typically approximately 50-percent reductions for larger PM2.5 particulates, but not for allergen or other microbial counts.

Airora’s technology has been independently demonstrated to reduce active airborne microbial counts by 99.9999% (1000+ times better than 50%) in minutes. Allergen counts are typically little effected by filters as allergens rapidly drop out of the air and onto surfaces. Airora neutralises allergens insitu, whether they be airborne or on surfaces.


  • Are typically of low effectiveness because of very low airflow rates. 

Airora does not require high flow rates to be effective as the hydroxyl cascade it produces naturally and rapidly spreads throughout the room independent of air movement.

  • The charged particles that result from ionizer operation will deposit on and soil room surfaces  such as walls and curtains. Because these deposited particles remain in the room or area, they may be resuspended from the surfaces when disturbed by human activities such as walking or vacuuming.

Airora neutralises allergen and germ particles wherever they occur, both in the air and on surfaces.

  • The effect of charge on very fine particles results in their higher deposition rate in the lungs compared to that of uncharged particles.

Harmful ultra fine carbon particulates are oxidised to the gas-phase by hydroxyl radicals.

  • Some makes and models of ionizers can increase indoor ozone concentrations such that they exceed public health standards.

Airora automatically reduces excessive background indoor ozone levels.

Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI)

  • Potential for eye injury.

Airora presents no potential for eye injury.

  • Effectiveness increases with lamp intensity, which is typically low in residential UVGI air cleaners.

Airora’s effectiveness does not rely on UV lamp intensity.

  • High electrical power draw requirements.

Airora has very low electrical power draw compared to filters and ionisers. 

  • UVGI cleaners can generate large amounts of ozone as a byproduct of their operation.

Airora automatically reduces excessive background indoor ozone levels.

Airora relies on the hydroxyl cascade it creates to kill or deactivate most airborne microorganisms, not UV doses.

Photocatalytic Oxidation PCOs

  • One study reported that PCO devices installed in portable air cleaners did not effectively remove any of the test VOCs present at the low concentrations normally found in indoor air. 

Airora has been independently demonstrated to significantly reduce test VOCs as typically found in the home.

  • The effectiveness of PCO air cleaners sold for use in homes remains largely undocumented.

Airora’s performance has been well and independently documented.

Airora is not a Filter nor an Ioniser

Airora is NOT a Filter, an Ioniser, a PCO or a UVGI, it is a Hydroxyl Diffuser which emits an invisible Hydroxyl Cascade, as occurs naturally outdoors, indoors.

A molecular cascade reaction spreads the Hydroxyl Cascade throughout a room in seconds, without relying on air movement, thoroughly  decontaminating all the air and surfaces as it goes.


Airora benefits include:


  • Proven to safely destroy or neutralise, throughout an entire indoor space:

        all types of germs (including coronavirus)

        all types of allergens; including pollens, house dust mite, pet dander and mould

A black triangular object with holes

Description automatically generated

        all types of VOC and both organic and inorganic odours

        chemical lung irritants from cleaning products, air fresheners, deodorisers, paint  and the like

        and most other harmful pollutants

  • Airora is inherently safe as it simply replicates outdoor air chemistry that we have evolved alongside.
  • Airora is 1000+ times more effective, and far faster acting than any type of filter.
  • The UK's Health Protection Agency measured a 99.9999% reduction of airborne germs in less than 5 minutes!
  • Airora creates an active person to person infection barrier.
  • Airora decontaminates all surfaces as well as the air in a room.


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